
Saturday, 14 February 2015

How to make a Folding Envelope Heart Mug Rug - Tutorial

How about a Mug Rug you can fold up into an envelope? Slip a tea bag inside and you have a fun present or a special way to lay the table for a tea party!
We came up with this idea thanks to Ombretta at A Sunday morning with. A few days ago she posted free printables to make paper heart shaped envelopes. We decided to use her template to make a fabric Folding Heart Rug Mug. Ombretta kindly accepted to let us write a tutorial linking to her free printable.

So here's an easy tutorial for making a Folding Heart Mug Rug:

Heart Mug Rug

Folded Heart Mug Rug

Here is what you will need to make the Folding Heart Mug Rug:
  • Download a Heart shaped envelope to use as a template from A Sunday morning with (thank you Ombretta for the download!).
  • Two fabrics for the front of the Mug Rug (one is for the "flap"of the envelope);
  • Fabric for the back of the Mug Rug
  • Cotton Batting
  • Two heart shaped buttons
  • Elastic ribbon

To start, print a Heart shaped envelope from A Sunday morning with, enlarging by 20%.  Use the heart shaped envelope as a template to trace the heart shape on the fabric for the front of the mug rug.

The fabric for the "flap" of the envelope should be 2.5" high (higher than in the template because it's been enlarged by 20%). Leave the "flap" fabric wider than needed. Sew the two fabrics for the front together using a 1/4 inch seam allowance. Iron the seam open. Now, using the template, cut off the excess "flap" fabric.

Cut the fabric for the back of the Heart Mug Rug using the template. Place the pieced fabric for the front of the mug rug onto the fabric for the back, right sides together. Now place on top of the batting. Sew around the edge leaving an opening for turning. 

Cut off the excess batting and then cut little notches along the seam allowance, in particular on the curves and at the top centre of the heart. Trim the point of the heart. Turn right side out through the opening and iron.

Top stitch around the whole heart. Following the guide lines on the template for folding the heart into an envelope, sew three lines. You can use a piece of washi tape (see the not very good photo above!) as a guide for sewing the line in exactly the right position.

Check the position of the buttons and then sew one button at the centre top of the heart, placing the elastic ribbon underneath before sewing into place. Then sew the second button near the point of the heart.

And here is a fun Folding Heart Mug Rug, you can carry in your bag, hang up as a decoration, or make as a present for a special friend!

Thank you Ombretta at A Sunday morning with for inspiring this Heart Mug Rug and being so nice letting us link to your download. Don't miss Ombretta's blog because she has beautiful ideas and lots of free downloads.

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Linky Party 2015


  1. What a lovely idea - a great gift for Valentine's Day! :-)

  2. That is the most lovely idea. Thank you so much for taking the time to write the tutorial and Ombretta for giving permission to modify her pattern.

  3. What a great way to send someone some love! How nice of Ombretta to give permission for her template too, aren't bloggers such generous people :)

  4. Mi piace tantissimo grazie per il tutorial :)
    Buona Domenica a presto

  5. Complimenti per l'idea e grazie mille per avermi linkata.

  6. Fantastiche idee e bellissimo blog. Affascinante.
    ciao Carlottina

  7. this is so sweet - what a great idea!

  8. Thanks for sharing this. It would make a cute gift.

  9. Bellissima!
    Proprio una bella idea e quanto sono belle quelle stoffine.

  10. Oh how nice!!! I love this! ^^

  11. This is so fun! I love it. Thanks so much for sharing.

  12. I was going to email you and beg you to link this adorable idea to my Tips and Tutorials Tuesday linky -- and I logged on to find you there!! You have totally made my day, and I will definitely be making some of these. XOXO!

  13. This is beyond super cute. Will give it a try. Thanks.

  14. What a good idea! This makes a pretty and useful gift. I pinned it. Thank you for the tutorial!

  15. Thank you sew very much for sharing. I LOVE this for any time of year and any occasion. Creative Heart Bliss...

  16. So cute! What a great gift idea!

  17. Cute! It was only while travelling in North America I realized how handy it is to carry tea.

  18. Wonderful idea!! I've got a Craft Gossip post scheduled for this afternoon that links to your tutorial:

  19. I love love mug rugs, and this one is so cute, and I LOVE that it folds up into an envelope!!! So Awesome! I'm featuring your lovely mug rug at this week's Submarine Sunday Link Party! I hope you'll stop by and link up again!

  20. Che bella idea!!! Da provare sicuramente

  21. Such a cute, little fabric envelope!!!

  22. This is just the sweetest little thing! You took something as ordinary as a mug rug and made it awesome! I want one for me. :)


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