
Saturday, 31 August 2013

The Quilt Photography Workshop -- August Link Up at Plum and June

I still own an old Reflex with a film, yes.. you know those things on a reel! I really miss my Reflex but it would be madness using it today with all the photos I (unsuccessfully!) take. So here I am joining The Quilt Photography Workshop at Plum and June with my mobile. Sorry!

For this workshop, I concentrated on using the white balance option and tried out all the possibilities on offer:

Cloudy option, not bad...

 This one's too green!

 This is isn't in focus, is it?

 This one seems a bit blue to me.

Don't like the colours here, either.

I keep going back to the Cloudy option, which seems to work well even on a sunny day. Recently I have decided:

1) to only take photos using natural light. Can't stand the effect the flash has on colours and am not equipped to take photos without a flash (that means my hand moves too much!)
2) to try and take pictures outdoors (if the weather is good enough)
3) to concentrate on the background. Once your work is finished, you have to find a good way of setting it off and I'm now playing with the idea of using interesting backgrounds that make the photo a bit more personal. This idea has brought me to take my latest photos:

I'd never thought about it before, but there are so many interesting details and textures in the houses around where I live. Hope nobody minds if I "borrow" them for my backgrounds!

I'm very happy to be able to link up with Beth's workshop at Plum and June to see how my new goals will develop and read everybody's inspiring posts.

Plum and June


  1. I love your backgrounds! The ladder, white wood behind the cloud and the washi tape holding up the pinwheel blocks are perfect.

  2. I think that is so cool!! Keep at it, so worth the work and trouble. I'm the world's worse picture taker!!

  3. The wood background looks really cool! and I like the quilt draped over the ladder.

    :) Kelly @ My Quilt Infatuation

  4. I like your quilt! What great fun to try to work with your camera.

    1. At the moment it's just a yard of fabric I've bought for a swap over at Looking forward to transforming all the charms into something special!

  5. I like the cloudy one best too. Seems like a good distance, and the natural backgrounds are all great.
