
Monday, 30 December 2013

Easy Gift Fabric Hand Warmers - Tutorials

This year I wanted to give something handmade to my colleagues for Christmas and came across some interesting tutorials in blogland for making hand warmers. A great and simple gift idea, suitable for a man or a woman. This is what I came up with:

Quest'anno volevo regalare qualcosa fatto da me ai miei colleghi per Natale ed ho trovato degli interessanti tutorial nel mondo blog per creare degli scaldamani. Un'idea carina e semplice, adatta sia ad un uomo che ad una donna. Questo è quello che ho creato:

I chose a different fabric for each colleague, something that reminded me of that particular person or that has to do with his/her job...

Ho scelto una stoffa diversa per ogni collega, per qualcosa che mi ricordava quella particolare persona oppure connessa al suo tipo di lavoro...

For my colleague who's responsible for road maintenance:
Per il collega che è responsabile della manutenzione delle strade:

For my colleague who has to stamp a lot of documents:
Per la mia collega che deve timbrare tanti documenti:

For my Boss who always has to write a lot of e-mails:
Per il mio Capo che deve scrivere tante mail:

For my colleague who's always helping others:
Per il mio collega che aiuta sempre gli altri:

For my colleague who likes crosswords:
Per la mia collega a cui piacciono i cruciverba:

For my colleague who's always very elegant:
Per la mia collega che è sempre molto elegante:

For my colleague who... wears glasses!
Per il mio collega che... porta gli occhiali!

There are some great tutorials in Blogland, with different sized hand warmers and with different contents. Mine have uncooked rice inside and were made using a 5" charm square cut in half, making two hand warmers each 2.16" in size. They're smaller than usual but I thought it was handy using a charm square and would avoid you carrying around a heavy bag of rice in your pockets when they cool down!
These fantastic fabrics are all from Leona's (@ Leona's Quilting Adventure) TEXT Me a Charm Swapdedicated to swapping charm squares of Text fabric and Low Volume fabrics. Through this swap I received a packet of two sets of 56 charms. I must say I was really impressed, they're were only two doubles in all these charms even though not everybody posted photos of what they were sending. I would never have had the possibility of collecting charms of so many different fabrics.

Ci sono dei fantastici tutorial nel mondo Blog per creare scaldamani di varie misure, con contenuti diversi. I miei contengono riso crudo e sono stati creati usando dei quadrati "charm" di 12.7cm, tagliati a metà, per creare due scaldamani di 5.5cm. Sono più piccoli del solito ma ho pensato che fosse una buona idea usare i quadrati "charm" per evitare anche di portare in giro un sacchetto pesante di riso in tasca quando si raffreddono!
Queste stupende stoffe sono tutte dallo scambio TEXT Me a Charm Swap organizzato da Leona's (@ Leona's Quilting Adventure). Grazie a questo scambio ho ricevuto un pacchetto contenente due gruppi di 56 quadrati "charm". Sono stata molto colpita quando li ho ricevuti, c'erano solamente due doppioni nonostante non tutti avessero pubblicato le foto di quello che avrebbero spedito. Non avrei mai avuto la possibilità di collezionare quadrati "charm" di così tante stoffe diverse.

Here are some interesting tutorials in Blogland you can use for making hand warmers:
Ecco dei tutorial interessanti nel mondo Blog da usare per creare scaldamani:

Winter Warmers from A Spoonful of Sugar:

Homemade Hand Warmers from V and CO. (the tutorial I used): 

DIY Hand Warmers by Armommy:



  1. Awesome gifts - I will add this idea to my 'to-make' for next year!!!

  2. Lovely gift ideas! I like the fabrics you chose, especially the text ones and the postage design! Wishing you a Happy New Year!
    Helen x

  3. What a fun idea! I've never thought of making these. I'm definitely adding them to my gift idea list for next year.

  4. What great gifts! and you are so thoughtful in your fabirc choices!
    Happy New Year!

  5. Those are sweet little gifts to have made for each of your coworkers! And that you chose fabrics that suited each one was such a nice touch! Thanks for sharing this idea!

  6. What a fantastic idea and your attention to detail makes them so special to each lucky person that received the gift. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!

  7. What a great idea and a great gift! Its on my list!

  8. Cute! I have a few relatives who'd love these next year : )

  9. darn good idea for a gift....I sometimes need them here in the house right now when the wind is blasting outside.

  10. These are really great! I need to make some of these for my kids!! Thanks for sharing it with us! :)

  11. I really Love these-my hunting friends would really love these too-thanks so much.
    Happy New Year

  12. I made a bunch of these for family back in freezing Wisconsin, they were a hit!

  13. It's freezing where my sister in law lives! This would be the perfect gift to send them! Thanks for linking up to Do Tell Tuesday! You are featured this week. Happy New Year!
